Relapsing abdominal pain with bloating, flatulence and change in bowel habits (alternating diarrhea and constipation) that improves with defecation, seen in middle aged women.
This condition is a diagnosis of exclusion
Etiology and association
Unknown etiology, mostly women with history of childhood abuse.
Unknown cause of increase in frequency of normal peristalsis and segmentation contraction of bowel.
Can be diarrhea predominant, Constipation predominant or both (alternate consti-diarrhea).
Symptoms and Clinical Presentation:
Abdominal pain/cramping with change in bowel movements that gets better post defecation
20% constipation only, some diarrhea alone only, rest switch between diarrhea and constipation
All have abdominal pain/bloat/gas/flatulence.
No Bleeding, No Weight loss, No fever, No nocturnal Symptoms. No GI Pathology appreciated
Get better with Fiber rich foot or go away with bowel movements
(Rome criteria) – (at least 3 months; 3 days per month) 2/3 below.
Change in Form and Appearance of Stool
Diarrhea alternating with constipation [ie change in frequency]
Pain relived by BM or by change in bowel habit (when you diarrhea, pain gone)
Colonoscopy – normal mucosa
Stool guaic negative, No WBC, Culture/Ova all negative, Abdominal CT negative
Treatment and Management
Best initial: High fiber diet and increase the bulk of the stool (help relief pain, if not use medication)
If refractory pain can use TCA (anti HAM) can relax bowel and treat depression since many have depression anyways (amitriptyline is anticholinergic, relive neuropathic pain, antidepressant)
Medication for Diarrhea-Constipation predominant;
Diarrhea predominant
Rifaximine: non-absrobed Abx
Loperamide, Diphenoxylate,
Alosetron (arrest stool via 5HT)
EluxadolineL mu-opioid receptor agonist for diarrhea, relieves pain/slows bowel.
Constipation predominant
Always Fiber
Polyethylene glycol (PEG): non-absorbed bowel lubricant. If don’t work use below 2: lubipristone, Linaclotide
Lubiprostone (Cl channel activator that increase BM frequency)
Linaclotide (guanylate cyclase agonist) also like lubirpistone used if PEG not work.
Tegaserod (Side effects include diarrhea. This drug manipulate 5HT),