In 2006 The American Cancer Society reported that over 150,000 people were diagnosed with colon cancer. There are things than can be done to help prevent colon cancer or decrease the odds of developing it. Many of these can be done by you. Let’s look at 6 things in this article you can do to reduce the risk of you getting colon cancer.
- If your mother, father, brother, or sister have had colon cancer you are at a greater risk to get it yourself. It is so important if you fall into this category to get tested early and often. It is generally accepted that you should start getting screened at age 50. In your case you should start before you are 40.
- Everyone should be tested when they are 50. Colon Cancer occurs in people the older they get and this is the suggested age to start getting screened. This means everyone whether you have a family history or not.Getting a colonoscopy is the standard for screening against colon cancer.
- You are what you eat and the same is true for colon cancer. High fiber diets help prevent it. Low fiber diets with high fat can increase the risk factor. It is to your advantage to do some research and develop a consistent diet of foods you can buy to keep yourself healthy.
- Your lifestyle can play a part in all types of cancer including colon cancer. Are you overweight? Do you drink alcohol too much? Do you overeat? You’ve heard it before, but if you are at risk why not get the odds favoring you by watching what you eat and drink. Start taking a walk and doing a light exercise program.
- Quit smoking. It increases the risk of colon cancer. So do other types of tobacco. This is a hard one, but how much do you value your life. If it is enough to keep living a good life you will quit.
- Did you know if you have diabetes you have a 30-40% increase risk factor of developing colon cancer. The key here is to modify your diet to lessen the risk that diabetes causes. If you think you are at risk visit your doctor and discuss how you are living your life and things you can change. Start the screening process at an early age if you have these factors. It is better to be safe now than to be sorry later.